Friday, September 19, 2008

Popular Drew...

While dropping Drew off for daycare this morning, I ran into his friend Hunter's mom. Hunter and Drew are almost exactly the same age - I think Hunter is about 2 weeks older than Drew. Anyway, since Hunter started daycre a few months ago, the two boys have become great friends and always like to eat together and play together.

After saying Mommy, Daddy, Diane and Lou Lou (his other daycare provider), Hunter was the first name Drew said and he talks about Hunter constantly and apparently Hunter talks about Drew constantly.

So, this morning Hunter's mom was coming in as I was leaving and she told me how upset Hunter was when Drew was out last week for his surgery and how happy Hunter is that Drew is back. Then she said that at 3 a.m. this morning, Hunter woke up and srarted crying for Drew!!!!

I was hysterical...I mean, that's a bit much, but it's so funny!!! I can only imagine Hunter's mom having to get up at 3 a.m. to hear her child cry about Drew...LOL...

Anyway - that was how my day started this morning :)

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