Saturday, January 5, 2008

Drew meets Cole!

Auntie Kelly and Cole came to visit today - Drew and Cole have heard a lot about each other so it was exciting for them to meet. Though, probably more exciting for Kelly and me than Drew and Cole! LOL...

They sort of stared at each other for a while and Drew was a little possessive of his tool box tools - taking the level back from Cole after he'd had it for a while, that sort of thing. But all in all it was fun to see them together - Kelly and I waited a long time for this!! :)

Cole did try a sippy cup for the first time today and he drank like a champ - I see many sippy cups in his future...I can't wait til we can meet at Mystic and take the boys to the aquarium - I think that will be fun and a good meeting point between Providence and New Britain...

Today Drew and I also dressed in our Rutgers best to root RU to victory in the International Bowl!! Go RU!! I sang the Rutgers cheer with Drew and the alma mater - he liked "RU - Rah, Rah" a lot!! Maybe we have a future Scarlet Knight in our midst???

The only sad part of the day was Uncle Steve and David couldn't come up today - so we missed them a lot!!!

Other than that - Drew has been doing great...he's been wanting to read his books with me more, especially his "Word" book that Aunt Laurie gave him - he loves that one. He also likes his dreidel book and his box of alphabet books a lot!! And he's been carrying around the bear that Suzanne and Brie gave him - he likes to put it in his Drew chair and put books on top of it!! LOL...

So - that's what's going on in Drew's world...tonight the Steelers are playing - I'm trying to teach Drew to say "Boo Steelers" - no luck so far!! :)

Oh - check out the side of the blog for some more cute pictures!!

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