Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Kazakhstan update...

So many disturbing things going on with Kazakhstan adoption these days...though still officially open to Americans, it's becoming more and more difficult to adopt from there...

As of Sept. 15, only agencies that have Hague accreditation may work in Kazakhstan. I admit, I'm not too sure what this really means, but I do know that the largest U.S. agency to work in Kaz. does not have this accreditation, in addition to others. This should significantly slow down adoptions.

In addition, the N.Y. Consulate will no longer process dossiers, they all must go through the Embassy in D.C., which is notoriously slow and allegedly will only process two a month from any agency - wow! That is insane, huh?? Additionally, documents may be no older than 4-months old by the time they reach the embassy. Anyone who has put together a dossier (and Kaz. has one of the largest, with more than 30 required documents!), knows that it is impossible to have all your documents have the same dates. For example, the dossier has to include fingerprints and a letter from the FBI saying you have no criminal record - that can take 3 weeks or longer to obtain. So, by the time many of these documents make it to the Embassy, they have to be redone and the process starts all over.

I know I've said it before, but I will say it again...this is crazy!!!!!!!!! There are sooo many children over there that need homes - if Kazakhstan thinks these kids should stay in their own country, fine, but then people from that country should adopt them, not leave them in orphanages!

Adoption is never easy - no matter how it's done...but there's just no reason to make it harder than it needs to be :(


On a happier note...Drew is having fun watching the Olympics!

The other night we cheered for the Kazakh boxer, who won!! And last night Drew and I watched equestrian events. Every time the horse jumped, Drew said, "Wow!" and at the end of the event he clapped when he heard the people on TV clapping...he is too cute for word!! :)


Carolyn - Otto lives on!!! :)

1 comment:

Mrs. Bailey said...

Great news about Otto!!! Nicholas's favorite event so far is water polo. He's always asleep when gymnastics comes on...