Friday, October 19, 2007

What a great day....

Today we had the BEST day!!!! The baby started warming up to us and was laughing and playing and just so great...I fell in love with him today and he became mine in my heart - Patrick felt the same way...we are still waiting for some more info. from the doctor, but I can't imagine there's anything she could say right now to make us not officially accept our referral tomorrow...

We know he has some speech delay, but so do lots of people who didn't even grow up in orphanages! And any nutritional problems can be corrected when he comes home....he's just the cutest little guy. Today we brought him animal crackers, watered down apple juice and some new toys - he was a very happy guy!! :)

We met his caregivers who just love him too - they said that he has big cheeks like Patrick! LOL...He also has his big brother Ben's pouty lower lip when he's not happy!!!

Oh - his name would be important huh??

Drew Sebastian Esatai Sanders - born June 25, 2006 - his birthday falls right in between his best-friend-that-he-hasn't-met-yet Cole and his big brother Ben!!!

I'm in a family of three boys, and a boy puppy - I am sooo outnumbered!!!


KRISTI said...

Wow! Congrats on falling in love!!! Great name, too! I can't wait to hear more.

(sunshinehugs from FF)

Laurie said...

OH I'm sooo happy for you!! How wonderful!!! Little boys are so wonderful!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so thrilled for you. Get ready for cars, trucks & dinosaurs. Little boys are so much fun!

Julie said...

Oh Beth! I can't wait until I can issue the official congratulations!

-Julie (wintergirl from FF)

Applebee said...

Oh Beth, I am so happy for you and the family!!!! I can't wait until you get the offical word on him being yours. I'm looking forward to seeing those cheeks!!

Kelly said...

You sound so happy and that makes me very happy. My heart swelled up when I read about your day. I hope there are pictures to see. Terri asked for you and wanted me to let you know that she's thinking of you. I thought I might give her your blog address so she can read about your adventures. If you can, can you mention if that would be okay to do in your next blog entry.

Cole was wandering if you could say "hey" to his new friend Drew for him.

We love you both,
Kelly, Greg and Cole

Christine said...

He sound precious! What a sweetie!


Sara said...

I'm all teary now. What fantastic news. I hope that the doctor has nothing but positive things to tell you. I can't wait to see tomorrow's update!

Sara from FF

Anne said...

Just sitting here smiling, Beth! I am so incredibly happy for you and Patrick! I'll bet Chris and Ben are going to make wonderful big brothers! I'm so looking forward to a picture of that precious boy of yours!

auntie said...

You two must be so excited, it shows on your face. The baby is beautiful I saw pictures on Alyse's phone. Give my new nephew Drew a kiss from his Auntie and cousins. Will have a few drinks to celebrate tonight at the wedding for Drew.
Love, hugs and kisses always