Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Drew is sleeping..

Well - today is my first day alone with Drew...

We were doing great until about 11 a.m. when fatigue hit him. He cried for a while and then I decided maybe a light lunch would be good - so we did that - Cheerioes and strawberry yougart - yum!! Then we played some more, cried some more and finaly around 2 p.m. he fell asleep and I did a big dance of joy!! LOL...it's amazing how huge an accomplishment this feels like!!

So I'm taking advantage of the time to do some cleaning (Grama is coming up tomorrow and the house can't be a total disaster - but she'll understand if it's not spotless - right Grama????) and thank you notes and organizing, etc...I know I should be napping right now, that is the cardinal rule of motherhood right - nap when they nap!! I'm sure I will regret not napping at around 8 p.m. tonight! :) Check back with me...

Not much else going on here - Peyton has already started to "play" with Drew's toys, Drew is not too impressed with that...I don't blame him one bit...

Tomorrow is Drew's first doctor's appointment - I have a whole list of questions to ask!

That's about it from here...time to get some rest before I get Drew up...

Happy (almost) Birthday Jodi!!!!!!!!!!!

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