Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Patrick finalized his flight plans and Drew will be home on December 16 - barring any last minute changes or complications in Almaty with the Embassy - which there won't be, of course, because all the paperwork will be in perfect order!!!

Many people who grow their families through adoption celebrate the day the child becomes part of their family forever, as well as the child's birthday. So Drew will have two special days all his own - his birthday on June 25 and his other special day on December 16. Some people call this "Gottcha Day" or "Adoption Day" or "Forever Day." I'm leaning toward "Gottcha Day," but we're not sure yet. I don't know exactly what we'll do each year to celebrate, but we'll figure it out together.

I never thought this day would come, but it will be here soon. There's so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving...I hope you all have much to be thankful for too....

Oh - and I decided to go with the tried and true mashed potatoes!!!! :)

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